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Alpha Missionary Baptist Church

... where new life begins


Alpha is...

Known as "the small church with a BIG heart." We love the Lord and His people, embracing all who enter with open arms. We are so glad you are here on our site. The place of our services may have changed, but the place of God in our hearts remains the same. He is worthy to be praised!! You are welcome to join us in making Him known as the Living God, the Giver and Sustainer of Life.


- Pastor & First Lady Perkins

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Alpha-Live (Alpha Baptist Church-Cleveland)

Alpha-Live (Alpha Baptist Church-Cleveland)

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Revelation 21:6b

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Our mission is to preach and teach God’s Word so that lives are transformed to reflect the power of Scripture, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the value of unity among the members.

Core Beliefs

We believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. We believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the grave on the third day for our Justification. We believe that accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior is the only way to God and heaven.

Our Five Bedrock Principles

1. Worship: We will be a church who celebrates the Person, Presence and Power of a Holy God.


2. Instruction: We will be a church that teaches the knowledge, principles, and practical application of God’s Word to nurture and strengthen the believer’s relationship with God and humankind.


3. Fellowship: We will be a church where all who believe are together, on one accord, serving with gladness and singleness of heart, comforting and exhorting one another.


4. Evangelism: We will be a church that spreads the Good News of Christ in both word and deed.


5. Service: We will be a church that equips its members for leadership and ministry

Our Pastor
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Pastor Larry Perkins

Pastor Larry Perkins, served as interim pastor of the Alpha Missionary Baptist Church for three months during the illness of Pastor Jesse Arnold. On May 16, 2004, the church called him as Pastor. Pastor Perkins is married to Mrs. Shirle Perkins. Together, they have five children, 12 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. As he preaches and teaches, his vision is to win many souls to Christ, to promote the church’s growth, to foster a love for the souls Christ has given the church, and to ensure the Word of God is honored both in word and deed.

Sunday School

Sundays 9:20 AM

 morning worship

Sundays 11:00 AM

bible study

Thursdays at 6:30 PM

Youth Ministries

Sundays during Morning Worship

Our Services

5701 White Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 | (216) 391-2445 |

©2020 Alpha Missionary Baptist Church Proudly created by

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